Daily Creative Journal _UPDATE

Daily Creative Journal _ Project Update

The first 30 days are down and it went very fast. I'm not sure how much time the
author expected to spend on each daily project but I feel like i’m doing something wrong
or maybe he didn’t have separate day job. Some projects took ten to fifteen minutes and
others took most of the evening or even days to complete. It felt like this project totally
consumed my life. It didn't take long to notice that I didn't have time to work on other
creative projects. On the other hand, I had so much fun I don't want to give it up so I'm
making a bit of a change. (it's my daily project so I can change the rules, right?)
I am going to alternate months, taking a month off every 30 days to work on other
projects and catching up on laundry and such. ;) This might turn into a 2 year
project but I think it will be worth it

First 30 days in review


Mixed Media Canvas Painting - Poppies


Day 30 - Daily Creative Journal